

Clemenceau, Georges

  1. A French political leader of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; the premier of France at the end of World War I and afterward. He presided at the peace conference after the war, which produced the Treaty of Versailles . Less forgiving than the American president, Woodrow Wilson , Clemenceau wanted a peace treaty that would punish Germany for having started the war and would compensate France for its losses.

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Example Sentences

The fall of the year 1906 was marked by the creation of a new cabinet of which M. Georges Clemenceau was Premier.

Georges Clemenceau has been a rabid foe to Religion and to the Church from the very beginning of his political career.

Georges Clemenceau, the French premier, was elected permanent chairman of the conference.

There was also a professional tradition to which young Georges Clemenceau assented.

Georges Clemenceau, Premier of France, is another who stands for justice and liberty.



